文字「证」は7筆で書かれています。「证」は3500の常用漢字の一つです。 文字「证」は1の読み方があります、。「证」の読み方には「zhèng」があります。 「证」の筆順を見る>>


v.: prove; demonstrate; testify to; attest to

n.: evidence; proof; testimony; certificate


深水证 deepwater pass

免税证 tax-free certificate

专利证 letters patent

上岸证 landing permit

抵押证 mortgage/mortgaged/hypothecation certificate

配给票证 ration coupons

商检证 commodity inspection certificate

押汇证 cash against documents (CAD)

完税证 tax payment certificate

献血证 certificate of blood donation

考试及格证 testamur

外汇转移证 exchange surrender certificate

入境检疫证 quarantine certificate for entry

机动车行驶证 road-worthiness certificate

深圳证劵交易所 Shenzhen Stock Exchange

超出经营证许可的范围 overstep the business licence

