文字「毛」は4筆で書かれています。「毛」は3500の常用漢字の一つです。 文字「毛」は1の読み方があります、。「毛」の読み方には「máo」があります。 「毛」の筆順を見る>>


n.: hair; feather; down; (of a person) hair; mao , fractional unit of money in China; mildew; mould; wool

adj.: little; fine; rough; gross; semi-finished; careless; crude; rash; angry; panicky; scared

v.: (of currency) be no longer worth its face value; depreciate; sink


毛涤纶 modelon

毛纺织品 woollen textiles

毛线手套 hand-knitted gloves; woollen gloves

一撮毛 a tuft of hair

一色毛 pure wool

羔羊毛 lamb's wool

毛皮大衣 fur coat

一根毛 a single hair

毛发病 trichopathy; trichosis

毛校样 foul proof

马海羔羊毛 kid mohair

防蛀毛制品 mothproof wool products

桃子上的毛 down of a peach

狗咬狗,两嘴毛 each (dog) gets a mouthful of fur in a dogfight—engage in a meaningless dispute/fight

