文字「望」は11筆で書かれています。「望」は3500の常用漢字の一つです。 文字「望」は1の読み方があります、。「望」の読み方には「wàng」があります。 「望」の筆順を見る>>


v.: look/gaze into the distance; look over; watch; scrutinize; hope; expect; face afar; call on; pay a visit; hate; (of one's age) approach; come close/near to

n.: plenilune; full moon; 15th (sometimes the 16th or the 17th) day of a lunar month; day of plenilune; reputation; streamer sign (of a shop); range of vision, imagination, hope or expectation

adj.: reputable

prep.: to; towards


身负重望 enjoy great fame

望了他一眼 shoot a glance at him

