文字「场」は6筆で書かれています。「场」は3500の常用漢字の一つです。 文字「场」は2の読み方があります、は多音字です。「场」の読み方には「chǎng」「cháng」があります。 「场」の筆順を見る>>


n.: level open space (often used as a threshing ground); country fair; market; place used for a particular purpose; site; spot; scene; stage; sports arena/ground; field; pitch; stadium; show; game; competition; contest; match; tournament; farm

quant.: spell; period; scene


压不住场 be unable to hold the audience; be unable to keep the situation down

养蚕场 sericulture farm

星系场 galactic field

旋量场 spinor field

演武场 martial arts arena

相扑场 basho

铸字工场 typefoundry

矢量场 vector field

午后场 matinee; afternoon performance; afternoon showing

堆放场 dump; dumping place

油罐场 tank farm

量子场 quantum field

谐波场 harmonic field

临界场 critical field

废料场 junk yard

杂耍场 variety theatre

辐散场 divergence field

多极场 multipole field

演练场 drill ground

狝场 area of a hunt; hunt

