文字「令」は5筆で書かれています。「令」は3500の常用漢字の一つです。 文字「令」は3の読み方があります、は多音字です。「令」の読み方には「lìng」「líng」「lǐng」があります。 「令」の筆順を見る>>


quant.: ream (of paper)

v.: order; command; cause; make

n.: order; command; decree; season; drinking game; ancient official title; short song or lyric verse set to a fixed tune; ditty

adj.: good; excellent

pron.: your


废除令 abatement order

邑令 county magistrate

搜查令 search warrant; writ of search

缓刑令 probation order

限购令 property-purchasing limitations order

下调令 issue an order of transfer

扣押令 garnishee order

收监令 order of committal; warrant of commitment

不当令 be out of season

拘留令 order of detention

开拔令 marching orders

调查令 writ of inquiry

授权令 warrant

枢密院令 orders of the Council

政府令 order from the government

封港令 embargo

实施令 enforcement ordinance

开释令 warrant of deliverance; order for discharge

休渔令 fishing ban

收监执行令 warrant for commitment to custody

