文字「从」は4筆で書かれています。「从」は3500の常用漢字の一つです。 文字「从」は1の読み方があります、。「从」の読み方には「cóng」があります。 「从」の筆順を見る>>
v.: follow; yield to; comply with; listen to; obey; adopt a certain attitude; follow a certain principle; join; be engaged in
n.: entourage; follower; servant; attendant; relationship between cousins, etc of the same paternal grandfather or great-grandfather
adj.: secondary; subordinate; accessory; subsidiary
prep.: from (a particular time, place or limit); past; by; through (a place); from; considering
adv.: ever; always
- follow : v.跟在…后面;跟随;排在…后面;按照(指示;规则)做;执行;密切注意;从事;进行;跟踪;追随
- yield to : 屈服于
- comply with : 遵守;符合;与...一致
- listen to : 倾听, 聆听, 收听
- obey : v.服从;顺从;听从;遵守;执行;遵循
- join : v.连接;接合;参加;参与;联合;参军;入伍;陪同;随同;与…汇合
- be engaged in : 从事;参与
- entourage : n.随行人员;随员;扈从
- follower : n.追随者;拥护者;爱好者;跟在后面的人
- servant : n.佣人;仆人;公务员;政府的雇员;热心追随者
- attendant : n.服务员;管理员;出席者;参与者;随从;仆从;侍臣
- secondary : adj.第二的;第二位的;副的;二代的;中等教育的;次级的;仲的
- subordinate : adj.下级的;级别低的;次要的;第二位的
- accessory : n.附件;配件;装饰件;同谋;从犯;小饰品;服装搭配物
- subsidiary : adj.次要的;附属的;子公司的
- past : adj.过去的;不复存在的;以前的;刚过去的;过去时的
- by : prep.由;被;凭借;用;通过;以…之差;相差…;到…之前;不迟于;在…旁边;靠近;在…的时候;关于;根据;以… 的名义
- from : prep.从… 起;始于;来自;从…来;从;由;离;防;因为;由于;与… 不同
- considering : prep. & conj.考虑到;就…而言;鉴于
- ever : adv.在任何时候;从来;有时;总是;始终;越来越多地;不断地;到底;究竟;任何时候
- always : adv.始终;总是;作为最后一着;无论如何;永远;老是;一直以来;一再
从价法 ad valorem method
屈己从人 humble oneself to obey others
从心底里怨恨 be inwardly resentful
从桥下通过 pass beneath a bridge
从背后下手 attack sb in the back
从楼上下来 come downstairs
从国外回来 return from abroad
从监狱脱逃 escape from prison
从水井抽水 pump water from a well
从外边来 come from without
靡然从之 go with the fashion
从小路走 go by a lesser road
从墙上摔下来 fall off a wall
从后门进去 enter by the back door
从眼前消逝 pass out of view
从高处眺望 look from a vantage point
从河里抽水 pump water from a river
从幕后窥探 peep behind the scenes
从锁孔偷看 spy through the keyhole
从锁孔偷听 listen at the keyhole
Trees absorb large amounts of water and nutrients from the soil.
And now, a brief report from our correspondent on the scene.
They don’t look like brothers.
He is an upright person and his actions have always been open and above board.
A locomotive emits smoke from its funnel into the air.
We can derive his motive from his behaviour.
All the residents of this building get in and out through this door.
Cars sizzled past us on the highway.
I made three round trips from my house to the office today.
Together they pulled the cart out from the mud.